about me

I’m @0xpemulis on twitter. If you’d like to reach out, feel free to send me a DM there.

A few things about me:

> have been programming (mostly at a hobbyist level) off-and-on for ~10 years
> have done a few random swe internships and some contract work. mostly python
> got into crypto in ~2018, dropped out of college and worked at a crypto fund for ~1yr
> went back to school and graduated with a b.s. in mathematics this year (spring ’24)
> currenly taking the year off to evaluate where to go from here.

In my free time I like reading, programming, hiking, golf/tennis, shooting, lifting weights.

about this website

I write these posts in markdown and have a script convert them to html, with mathjax for \(\LaTeX\) rendering. The html files are served from an nginx server on a cheap cloud instance. I just scp over new files to update the site.

It took maybe two hours to set everything up. I had an llm do the styling. My markdown renders as html and auto-reloads on write thanks to a browsersync/nodemon process that runs a simple pandoc shell script.

I put this here to remind you that <insert your favorite web framework here> is evil and bloated (: